66% of Divorced Canadians Don’t Want to Remarry

As you can imagine, our divorce lawyers in Barrie, Collingwood, Orillia, Midland, Muskoka, and Newmarket work with a lot of people who are not in a hurry to jump back into married life.

That definitely seems to be how the majority of Canadian divorcees feel, as a recent survey says that 66 percent of divorced Canadians said they did not have remarriage intentions. Another 23 percent said they were uncertain.

These findings were recently published in The Vanier Institute of Family’s report, called Separation and Divorce in Canada: By The Numbers.

Some other interesting findings:

  • We’ve seen an 8 percent decline in the number of initiated divorce cases between 2006–07 and 2010–11 in reporting provinces and territories
  • The average duration of marriage for Canadians who finalized a divorce in 2008 was 13.7 years
  • 19 percent of Canadians surveyed in 2011 reported that their parents had separated or divorced
  • 41% of marriages in Canada will end by the 30th year of marriage (2008 estimate)

If you have any questions about a possible separation, please don’t hesitate to contact one of our divorce lawyers in Barrie, Collingwood, Orillia, Midland, Muskoka or Newmarket (our Newmarket divorce lawyers and Orillia lawyers are always ready to consult you).

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Brian Galbraith

Brian Galbraith is the owner and founder of Galbraith Family Law Professional Corporation. Brian is known in the legal community for his commitment to efficiently practicing family law using technology and streamlining the divorce processes.

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