Discovering that your wife has cheated on you is perhaps the worst news you can receive. Not only does it cause feelings of anger, jealousy and depression, but usually you are left with the frustration of an unrepentant spouse. Typically, a woman will commit adultery for emotional reasons. The good news is that no matter how bad you feel right now, it does get better. Here are some encouraging facts to help mitigate your feelings of loss and frustration if you are contemplating getting a divorce.
Divorce is Usually finalized Quickly
You may fear a long and protracted court battle, but evidence suggests that most divorce proceedings take less than six months to settle. This is due to the fact that most divorce cases are uncontested. This means that in all likelihood, your wife will not fight you on this. Indeed most of your dealings will be filings and paperwork. Statistics show that 63% of all court proceedings have to do with filing and only 14% deal with court orders.
Divorce Rarely Reaches The Trial Stage
In fact, only 1% of divorce proceedings over six provinces ever reached trial. Most of the proceedings are to iron out the details and can be handled either through mediation or through one of our Newmarket divorce lawyers. If you have thought about what you want and have it in writing, this process becomes easier.
Second Marriages Are More Successful
Although it may seem unfathomable to contemplate getting married again, most divorced men tend to remarry. This is good news for a few reasons. One being that the second time around you are more mature and have a better understanding of what you are looking for. Secondly, you have a better chance of developing a close bond with your mate, partially due to having common experiences with marriage in the past.
Emotional Baggage Plays a Small Part In New Relationships
Perhaps you feel like no one will ever want you. That is simply not true. Evidence has shown that the effects of divorce and depression weigh little on one’s general sense of wellbeing and attachment in new relationships. In fact, couples who are both in their second marriage are more likely to succeed even with the baggage accrued from the previous marriage.
If you have irreconcilable differences and want to get a divorce, we can help. Start by sitting down for a consultation with one of our divorce lawyers to discuss your case and your options.
Contested vs Uncontested Divorce