Recommended Reading
The Joy of an EX
Co-authored by Brian Galbraith and Anne-Marie Langan, The Joy of an EX shares the wisdom of more than 50 Divorce Experts.
Family lawyers, financial specialists, child experts, and a variety of therapists have collaborated to provide useful and empowering information to assist local couples specifically in taking control of their divorce process.
Other Readings
From Ex-Wife to Exceptional Life: A Woman's Journey through Divorce by Donna F. Ferber
Altogether chock full of wisdom and advice for any woman experiencing the pain and disappointment of divorce.
Crazy Time by Abigail Trafford
Based on Abigail Trafford's personal experience, extensive research, and interviews with hundreds of divorced men and women. This book is equally intelligent and insightful. Crazy Time charts the emotional journey of the breakup of a marriage--identifying the common phases that lead to separation, divorce, and, eventually, to a new life.
Mom's House, Dad's House: A Complete Guide for Parents Who Are Separated, Divorced, or Remarried by Isolina Ricci
The groundbreaking classic is now revised, updated and expanded. It covers at length the legal, financial and emotional realities of creating two happy and stable homes for children in the often difficult and confusing aftermath of a divorce.
The Good Divorce by Conj Ahrons
An internationally acclaimed social scientist and family therapist offers timely and welcome news for the millions of separated and divorced parents. That is that in more than 50 percent of divorces today, couples succeed in preserving their families for their children. This book provides practical guidelines for raising healthy, well-adjusted children during this stressful time.
After The Affair by Janis Spring
One of the most devastating of blows to a relationship is that of infidelity. Janis Abrahms Spring, Ph.D. is a clinical supervisor at Yale University who also specializes in dealing with couples faced with infidelity.
Joint Custody with a Jerk: Raising A Child With An Uncooperative Ex by Ross & Judy Corcoran
This hands-on, practical guide offers many proven comunication techniques. They will not only help readers deal with a difficult ex-husband or ex-wife by describing examples of common problems, but also teach them how to examine their roles in these sticky situations
Tug of War: A Judge's Verdict on Separation, Custody Battles, and the Bitter Realities of Family Court by Harvey Brownstone
This resource includes detailed information on how family court works, offers easily understandable case examples, and describes alternatives to litigation that are designed to help prevent families with children from entering the legal system to resolve disputes. What's more, it explains these complex family law concepts and procedures in a jargon-free style.
Recommended Reading - Books For Children
Dinosaurs Divorce: A Guide for Changing Families by Marc Brown
Text and illustrations of dinosaur characters introduce aspects of divorce such as its causes and effects, living with a single parent, spending holidays in two separate households, and adjusting to a stepparent.
Standing On My Own Two Feet by Tamara Schmitz
Addison is a regular kid whose parents are going through a divorce, but he knows that no matter what happens, his parents will always love him. The text in this beautifully illustrated picture book is inspiring, gentle, and uplifting. Altogether, it teaches kids that having two homes to live in can be just as great as having two strong feet to stand on.
Two Homes by Claire Masurel
"Parents looking for a book about separation or divorce will find few offerings as positive, matter-of-fact, or child-centered as this one. . . . Simple, yet profoundly satisfying. - BOOKLIST (starred review) At Mommy's house, Alex has a soft chair. At Daddy's house, Alex has a rocking chair. In each home, Alex also has a special bedroom and lots of friends to play with. But whether Alex is with Mommy or with Daddy, one thing always stays the same - Alex is loved.
Divorce Is Not The End Of The World: Zoe's And Evan's Coping Guide For Kids by Evan & Zoe Stern
Zoe and Evan Stern know firsthand how it feels when your parents divorce. When their parents split they knew their lives would change but they didn''t know how. A few years later, when they were 15 and 13 years old, they decided to share their experience in this positive and practical guide for kids.
Helpful Links
Family Law Legislation: All related to Family Law.
Divorce Magazine: Wonderful articles about the divorce experience. You are not alone!
Summary of Family Law: A government pamphlet summarizing Family Law.
Family Responsibility Office: Government agency that collects support.
Collaborative Family Law Federation: An umbrella organization for the Collaborative Practice groups in Ontario.
International Academy of Collaborative Professionals: The international organization situated in U.S.
Family Mediation Canada and Ontario Association for Family Mediation: These sites offer information about mediation as a way of reaching an agreement.
Office of the Children's Lawyer: Government site explaining the role of appointed lawyers or social workers who represent the views of children during the Court process.
Rainbows: An excellent peer support program for children.
Parents Without Partners: The Toronto Chapter of an international, non-profit, non-sectarian, educational organization devoted to the welfare of single parents and their children.
Fathers Are Capable Too: F.A.C.T. is an organization of both men and women working to support children's rights to have a relationship with both parents.
Pension Valuators of Canada: This site is an excellent resource of information about property division issues especially if you own a pension. We use this company for our clients.
Pension Appraisal Solutions: This is another excellent pension appraiser we use. The site has a lot of great information too.
Addiction Group: A group situated in the U.S. with information on substance abuse and addiction that is linked to higher divorce rates.
Links to Collaborative Practice groups across Ontario