Newmarket: (289) 319-0634
Oakville: (905) 291-6634
St. Catharines (905) 291-5231

Questions & Answers

House- my rights

I’m not on the deed or on the mortgage of the house, we are still legally married and no separation has been filed and we are still married in the eyes of the law and courts. Do I have the right to be in that house? Cause he has kicked me out and I have no idea if what he is doing is legal when it’s the matrimonial home. He also is trying to sell the house can he do this, without my signature?

— Nicole R.


You have a right to occupy the home until there is either a court order preventing you from entering or a written agreement that you will not enter the home. He cannot legally sell the home without your written consent. You'll have to approve the sale. Good luck. When you are ready, call our office and you can book a consultation.

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